We Support Each Other!

I wanted to link some of my favorite people who support the shop, and that I also support, so that we can all help each other.  I will list other small businesses that I love, and YouTube channels who also support the shop, so that we can all form a great support circle, because that's what it's all about!  Please go check them out and help me build a great community!

My Channel (Music Melts on YouTube)


Other Great Shops or Services

https://www.facebook.com/pickardclassicbeardbalm - Beard Balm (My friend Lori's small business).

https://www.instagram.com/ae_tiedye11/ - Tie Dye (My friend Alex Erickson's small business).

https://www.etsy.com/shop/HKMacrameJewelry?ref=usf_2020 - HK Macrame Jewelry. (My friend Amber's Etsy Shop)

https://www.instagram.com/hkmacramejewelry/ - Macrame Earrings (My friend Amber's Instagram).

https://www.printreadycg.com/ - Media Marketing (My friend Christine G. is the media marketing wizard).

https://lovinglifeboutique.com/ - Women owned, women supported small boutique.

https://sastrainers.com/ - Life saving training and certifications. (My sister is out here helping others save lives).


Youtube Channel Supporters and friends

My Bestie's Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@KrazyMomma

Alex Erickson - https://www.youtube.com/@alexerickson11

Real Talk with Alex - https://www.youtube.com/@realtalkwithalex1898

The Ward Case Studies - https://www.youtube.com/@TheWardCaseStudies

CriminaliTy - https://www.youtube.com/@Crim-i-naliTy

Melissa Jade - https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaJade

Foxfire Tarot - www.youtube.com/@FoxfireTarot

Cait Does Crime - https://www.youtube.com/@CaitDoesCrime

Positively Parker - https://www.youtube.com/@positivelyparker